Genetic tests during pregnancy

The possibilities of prenatal diagnostics and intrauterine therapy are very broad today. It is often already possible to detect various types of malformations at an early stage of pregnancy and to carry out possible treatment. Non-invasive tests are also becoming increasingly popular. Find out what...


Breastfeeding with inverted nipples

Breastfeeding is the WHO recommended way of feeding babies for at least the first 6 months of life. During pregnancy, the breasts change in preparation for breastfeeding. Do inverted nipples or small breasts prevent breastfeeding?


Urogynecological physiotherapy

Women's body awareness is increasing today. Both pre- and post-pregnancy women consult aurogynaecological physiotherapist. What does she or he do? How does such avisit look like?


The role of the midwife in childbirth

During the birth, amidwife is always present in the hospital. She supports the woman giving birth and helps the baby to come into the world. Her role is very important. Find out what the midwife does during birth and what it means to have aprivate midwife.

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