Obesity during pregnancy

Obesity is adisease that affects an increasingly large part of the population. Even pregnant women are not spared. Both before and during pregnancy, obesity can lead to complications.


SPA during pregnancy

Spa treatments are very popular these days. They are aform of relaxation and away to spend time. Many women use spas before they become pregnant and wonder if it is safe to do so during the nine months they are expecting ababy. Find out which spa treatments are safe during pregnancy.


Empty follicle during pregnancy

An empty follicle, also known as an empty foetal egg, is acondition in which an embryo does not develop despite being pregnant. Fortunately, the diagnosis does not affect subsequent successful efforts to have ababy. Learn how an empty egg diagnosis is treated.


Activated charcoal during pregnancy

Activated charcoal is awidely used product that can be bought at the pharmacy without aprescription. Many people take it when they suffer from diarrhoea. Is it safe to use during pregnancy?

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