New pregnancy after a caesarean section - when will it work again?

A caesarean section is an operation that requires the opening of the abdominal layers and the uterus. Time is therefore needed after the operation to allow these areas to heal well and grow together. For this reason, it is considered necessary to wait at least 1 year after a pregnancy ended by C-section before trying again. This carries the risk of complications that can occur if the interval between births is too short. If a woman becomes pregnant earlier, she should be seen by a specialist.

New pregnancy after caesarean section - possible complica

Several types of complications can occur in pregnancies after a caesarean section. This risk increases if the interval between births is too short. The most common complication is rupture of the uterus at the caesarean scar. Abnormal implantation of the placenta and the development of placenta accreta can also occur, with further consequences for the course of the pregnancy.

Often gynaecologists assess the continuity and thickness of the incision scar by ultrasound. It is important to remember that, according to recommendations, this should be done before the next pregnancy and the scar should not be assessed during pregnancy and especially towards the end.


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New pregnancy after caesarean section - is natural childbirth possible?

A caesarean section is not a direct indication for another caesarean section. However, much depends on the reason for the operation. For example, if the reason was maternal-fetal incommensurability, doctors usually opt for another caesarean section. However, if the first caesarean was due to the pelvic position of the foetus, for example, the second child may well be born naturally if there are no other contraindications. This is called a vaginal birth after caesarean section. Attempted natural birth is considered to be 60-80% successful. However, this delivery always requires increased monitoring and constant KTG recording because of the risk of uterine rupture in the caesarean scar. The condition after more than 1 C-section is controversial. According to current recommendations, an elective caesarean section should then be considered.

The decision to perform a caesarean section is made by the gynaecologist on the basis of the medical indications for the procedure and taking into account the safety of mother and child.


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