Cardiac arrhythmias during pregnancy

Many different types of symptoms occur during pregnancy. Some of them are physiological pregnancy symptoms, while others require avisit to aspecialist. One of the most common reasons for visiting acardiologist during pregnancy is palpitations, which can be asymptom of cardiac arrhythmias. Learn how...


Lyme disease during pregnancy

The spring and summer season is atime for walks in nature. Besides the beautiful surroundings, all kinds of creatures await us there, including, unfortunately, ticks, which can transmit dangerous diseases. Among them, Lyme disease is the most frequently mentioned. How is Lyme disease treated during...


Lidia's story - Stem cell therapy for cerebellar spinocerebellar ataxia

Lidia was born prematurely at 29 weeks gestation. In her first year of life, the girl was diagnosed with spinal-cerebellar ataxia and Hirschsprung's disease. Spinal-cerebellar ataxia is arare neurological disorder characterised, among other things, by difficulties in motor coordination. Hirschsprung...


Breast ultrasound during pregnancy

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. It is amyth that pregnant women are not affected by it. Therefore, avery important examination that every expectant mother should have is the breast ultrasound. Find out what the examination looks like and where the myths about breast ultraso...

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