Pulmonary embolism during pregnancy

A pulmonary embolism is aserious complication that can occur during pregnancy. In such asituation, it is important to recognise the condition quickly and provide appropriate treatment. What are the symptoms of pulmonary embolism during pregnancy and how is it treated?


Appendicitis during pregnancy

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be asymptom of many diseases. One of these is appendicitis. Its symptoms during pregnancy are not specific. How does appendicitis manifest itself and how is it treated during pregnancy?


Abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy

The ultrasound examination of the abdomen is awidespread examination. It can be carried out both as part of the National Health Fund and privately. It is used to determine the cause of complaints and to assess the abdominal organs. Find out whether the examination is safe during pregnancy and when i...


The postpartum period - what is there to know about it?

In gynaecology and obstetrics, the postpartum period is the first 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child. It is atime of change, both in the mother's life and in her body. The changes that occurred during pregnancy are reversed, the body regenerates and slowly returns to the state it was in nine mon...

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