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How to relieve coccyx pain during pregnancy? Home remedy


4 min. Reading time

Breech pain is one of the most common problems that expectant mothers complain about. It can have many causes. Usually it is caused by an injury to the coccyx, but during pregnancy the changes in the body preparing for birth are also responsible for it. What are other causes of coccyx pain and how can it be treated with home remedies?

Causes of coccyx pain during pregnancy

Coccyx pain mainly affects expectant mothers who have suffered from a coccyx injury in the past, especially as the enlarging uterus begins to exert pressure on the spine. However, it is very often complained of by pregnant women in whom it occurs for no apparent reason. There is now increasing evidence that the hormone relaxin is responsible for this. The hormone relaxin causes a loosening of the so-called cartilaginous structures, the loosening of which is essential for a natural birth. For this reason, breech pain increases as the due date approaches and the expectant mother gains weight. The coccyx can also be pressed before birth by the baby’s head, which is preparing for birth.

Why does the coccyx still hurt during pregnancy?

Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can also be caused by the pregnant woman adopting an unnatural posture in which she tries to relieve pressure on her spine. Sometimes it is also the result of a degenerative disease of the upper spine, in the course of which, for example, there is pressure on a nerve. The pain can then radiate not only to the coccyx, but also to the buttocks and lower extremities. It is often felt in the upper back as well.

Sometimes pain occurs in the lower back, which should awaken our vigilance. If they worsen during urination, they may indicate a developing inflammation. They can be caused by sciatica or a herniated disc due to spinal strain. They are also a symptom of diastasis of the pubic symphysis. If, on the other hand, the pain is rhythmic and does not subside despite a change in position, the cause may be progressive dilation of the cervical canal, which requires consultation with a specialist, as it may be a sign of incipient labor.


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How to deal with a painful coccyx during pregnancy?

If the pain is so severe that the expectant mother can no longer function normally, it is worth consulting a specialist who will select the best form of treatment that is safe for the mother and her unborn child. Home remedies include warm baths, for example, with relaxing oils, which bring relief. A warm compress, electric pillow or massage to relieve the sore area will have a similar effect. However, it is important that this is done by a professional.

In the case of advanced discomfort, especially if the pain is due to an injury, orthopedic pillows may be necessary, which can be placed not only on a chair, but also on a car seat. The characteristic shape of the orthopedic pillow allows the buttocks to rest comfortably without putting pressure on the coccyx. In addition, the expectant mother should refrain from activities that put additional stress on the spine and take more time to rest. Relaxation techniques that allow you to control your own body and muscles are also helpful in many cases. It is important that you do not take pain medications on your own without consulting a specialist.

Exercises for coccyx pain during pregnancy

If the pain persists despite the use of home remedies, the help of a physiotherapist may be required. It is important that the exercises are not performed indiscriminately, as they should be tailored not only to the problem, but also to the stage of pregnancy. It depends both on the right choice of exercises and on the exercise technique. The most recommended are those that stretch and relax the back and strengthen the muscles. Unless the expectant mother was physically active before pregnancy and the doctor decides otherwise, it is not a contraindication to refrain from sports and exercise. Pain in the coccyx is often aggravated by sitting. Therefore, one should remember to exercise and take regular walks, which not only activate the muscles, but also oxygenate the body and improve well-being.

In addition to physical activity, it is also good to pay attention to good sleep hygiene. This is because the bigger the baby is in the mother’s belly, the less comfortable positions she can assume. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid a large pillow and a mattress that is too soft to sink into.


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