Transplant Assistant Plus refers to haemopoietic stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood and used in the context of standard medical/therapeutic transplants or in the context of experimental medical treatments and to mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from umbilical cord fragments used in the context of experimental medical treatments. As part of the Transplant Assistance Plus package, FCS ensures the following:
a) for standard transplantation of haematopoietic stem cells collected from umbilical cord blood and/or placental blood and for the use of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and/or placental blood in experimental medical treatments:
• an online consultation with the haematologist or transplantologist based on the analysis of the medical records sent by the parents to
FCS by e-mail
• Transplant HLA test of the umbilical cord blood
• CD 34+ cell and nucleated red cell count (from a thawed reference sample)
• Cell viability test and leukocyte count (from a thawed reference sample)
• Complete blood count (CBC)
• Haematopoietic progenitor cell count (from a thawed reference sample)
• Delivery of cells from the place of storage to any transplant centre in the world
b) In the event that the stored biological material needs to be used for experimental therapies, customers will receive additional benefits depending on whether the therapy involves the use of cells from umbilical cord blood or mesenchymal stem cells (MSC):
• In the case of MSC cell administration, clients are enrolled in the programme to facilitate access to experimental therapies
• In the case of cord blood stem cell administration, clients will have access to the FamiCord Group Expanded Access Protocol Cord Blood for Brain Development