When does social freezing make sense?

The reasons why women opt for social freezing are as varied as their life situations. They range from the search for a suitable partner and current relationship status to personal and professional ambitions. Social freezing makes it possible to realise your own desire to have children regardless of external circumstances. Especially between the ages of 25 and 35, when egg quality is at its highest, this period is ideal for increasing the chances of a later pregnancy.

The importance of the AMH value

The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is an important parameter in the assessment of the oocyte reserve. It provides information on how many eggs can mature during hormone stimulation, which in turn influences the success of subsequent treatment. Knowing the AMH value enables an individual assessment of the fertility situation and therefore targeted counselling for patients.

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The process of social freezing

The path to social freezing begins with a detailed consultation in which the patient's personal situation and her individual needs and goals are discussed. Based on this, a treatment plan is drawn up that also takes into account the results of blood tests and hormone levels. Hormone therapy is used to prepare patients for egg retrieval. These are then preserved in liquid nitrogen at extremely low temperatures.

Safety is the top priority at the 360° Fertility Centre

A key aspect of social freezing is the safety of the samples and patients. State-of-the-art technologies such as the RI IVF-Witness system ensure the clear allocation of samples and prevent mix-ups. In addition, a state-of-the-art infrastructure monitors the laboratory at the 360° Fertility Centre around the clock in order to detect and correct any deviations immediately.

Advantages of social freezing

Social freezing offers women the opportunity to organise their family planning flexibly and prepare for a later pregnancy regardless of external circumstances. Preserving young and healthy eggs significantly increases the chances of successful fertilisation and pregnancy later in life.

In a world characterised by constant change, social freezing offers an opportunity to retain control over your own family planning and to realise the dream of having your own child whenever the time is right.


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