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Pregnancy calendar

Pregnancy calendar

Here you can learn about the symptoms specific to each week of pregnancy, find out what stage of development your baby is in and how to assign a week of pregnancy to a month of pregnancy. Contrary to appearances, it is not that simple!


The 35th week of pregnancy - complaints of the expectant mother. Estimation of the risk of premature birth

The 35th week of pregnancy – complaints of the expectant mother. Estimation of the risk of premature birth

The 35th week of pregnancy is a crucial time for the future mother. The complaints that accompany her become stronger. She is tired of them and cannot wait for the birth. In a multiple pregnancy, this can be the last chance to prepare for an upcoming birth. In the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman's uterus resembles the size of a watermelon. The baby continues to grow and take up more space, putting pressure on the mother's internal organs.  New and bothersome symptoms appear - including fear of childbirth. Fear of the unknown is completely natural and it is worth seeking advice from your doctor, midwife or experienced mothers. Week 35 - which month is it and what changes in the woman? The 35th week of pregnancy is the 8th month and the middle of the 3rd trimester. This is usually the time when an unexpected fear of childbirth appears. This is a natural phenomenon. Thoughts about how the birth will go are most stressful for women giving birth for the first time. It helps to talk to a doctor or a more experienced mother who can allay your fears. In the 35th week of pregnancy, the discomforts start to become very bothersome for the woman. They are a sign that the baby is growing and the body is preparing for birth. Unpleasant symptoms are: Shortness of breath - its cause is the baby's pressure on the diaphragm, so it is worth getting more rest during this time and preparing for the next stage - motherhood;Heartburn - Heartburn is caused by pressure on the stomach; Heartburn can be relieved by changing your posture. Lying on your left side prevents stomach acid from flowing back into the oesophagus and you feel much better; Frequent trips to the toilet are normal during this time of pregnancy and should not be a cause for concern. Pressure on the bladder can also cause involuntary urination. This is understandable for a pregnant woman and the use of appropriate sanitary towels is sufficient; Abdominal pain that occurs in the 35th week of pregnancy is due to the uterus stretching to accommodate your growing baby. It can also be a sign of labour, especially in multiple pregnancies; Leg cramps, which occur mainly at night. They can be caused by swelling or a magnesium deficiency. Consider magnesium supplementation with your doctor. In some cases, the expectant mother may be anaemic. It is important to remember that iron deficiency needs to be supplemented in pregnancy, although supplementation may cause constipation. What is the baby's weight in the 35th week of pregnancy? Development of the baby During this time, the baby usually weighs over 2 kg and measures about 40 cm. On an ultrasound scan in the 35th week, you can see him sucking his thumb or whole fist. This is the time when the baby is growing intensively - he should gain about 150-200 g per week while increasing his body fat. In the 35th week of pregnancy, the baby prepares to function outside the mother's body by, among other things, drinking the amniotic fluid and then urinating. This ensures that the baby's kidneys work properly. It also collects antibodies that protect it from infections soon after birth. It also stores iron.  From the beginning of the 35th week, the baby begins to react to external stimuli. If mum holds onto its belly, it is likely to retaliate by kicking. He often fidgets, which can lead to waking up from sleep. 35th week of pregnancy - delivery A birth during this time is very likely, especially if it is the 35th week of a twin pregnancy. Most such pregnancies end in premature birth. This is due to a lack of space in the uterus. Newborn twins often need help breathing, although this is not the rule and in many cases they manage on their own. Babies from multiple pregnancies are born smaller, but gain weight in the following months and develop well.    
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34th week of pregnancy - it won't be long now! The development of the baby and the associated complaints

34th week of pregnancy – it won’t be long now! The development of the baby and the associated complaints

At 34 weeks, the baby's physical development is complete. The exception is his head, which must be flexible for the birth. The expectant mother has to make some important decisions despite her pregnancy symptoms. How does the mother's body change in the 34th week? Which month is it? The 34th week of pregnancy is her 8th month and 3rd trimester. During this week, the mother needs a lot of rest. She may be disturbed by swelling, especially in the lower parts of her body, such as swollen feet. She will probably need bigger and more comfortable shoes. This is caused by water stagnation in the body, but don't worry because everything will return to normal soon after birth.   It is also true that women suffer from heartburn, but this can be effectively relieved with medication that is safe during pregnancy. Another option is to lie on your left side. This prevents food from backing up into the oesophagus. A pregnant woman should also eat appropriately - in particular, she should avoid spicy and overly fatty foods, as these can make the symptoms of hyperacidity worse. As a result of the hormonal changes, the future mother may have problems with her eyesight. She mainly suffers from dry eyes.   Changes in the circulatory system can lead to sensitive gums, including swelling and slight bleeding in the mouth. The expectant mother must pay special attention to this, because bacteria are often the cause of premature births. The contractions that occur in the 34th week of pregnancy can be an indication of the birth, especially in a multiple pregnancy. Most of these pregnancies end before the 37th week. What happens to the baby in the 34th week of pregnancy? In the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby should weigh more than 2 kg. Its length varies between 40-50 cm. As the baby is constantly growing, it has limited space in the womb. Therefore, in the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are limited.  The baby also learns to swallow amniotic fluid. This is good exercise for his respiratory system. The infant's digestive system is already quite efficient. Outside the womb, he can certainly cope. His skin is less wrinkled. The organs of the genital system are also forming. The baby already has all his bones. Only his head is not yet fused together. It needs to be flexible so that it can fit through the birth canal. The baby can try to lie down in a head position. His nails are also growing. His eyes open and close alternately. Is it possible to give birth in the 34th week? Birth is possible in the 34th week of pregnancy. The newborn is treated as a preterm baby because it is a very premature newborn and the baby's respiratory system is not yet sufficiently functional. Babies born at 34 weeks may need respiratory support. In the 34th week of pregnancy, mothers of twins can expect a premature birth. This is usually delivered by caesarean section to avoid complications with a natural birth. These mothers should go to hospital if they have strong contractions.    
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33 weeks pregnant - 6 weeks to go until birth

33 weeks pregnant – 6 weeks to go until birth

The 33rd week of pregnancy is very important for the baby. His respiratory system becomes more and more efficient, but it is not enough for the baby to breathe independently in case of delivery. The attention of the future mother can be directed to new tasks. It will be mainly insomnia, which can be very troublesome. This week is the time when the baby sleeps a lot. The lack of movement can cause the mother to become anxious. This is nothing unusual. The baby wakes up when you give him something sweet and he starts kicking again like before. 33rd week of pregnancy - what does the baby look like? The 33rd week of pregnancy is the time when you can see your baby much more clearly on the ultrasound image. In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby already has all the bones. They are hard and ossified. The head is flexible. It must stay like this until the day of birth. Otherwise, the baby will not fit through the birth canal. His face is now fully formed. The face can be seen on the ultrasound image. It will not change much until the birth. At the beginning of the 33rd week of pregnancy, your baby should weigh about 2 kg. The baby will then measure about 43 cm. In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are very lively. The musculoskeletal system is already well developed. His respiratory system is also being formed. The lungs are being prepared to function independently. They will gain efficiency in the following weeks. The sucking reflex is being trained. 33. week of pregnancy - what month is it? The 33rd week of pregnancy is the middle of the 8th month. This is the time when the body begins to prepare for birth. The baby is fidgeting and kicking, which often makes it impossible for the mother to get into a comfortable position. Heartburn may occur as a result of the pressure of the uterus on the digestive system. It is worth seeking the advice of experienced mothers to alleviate the discomfort and fully enjoy the time of waiting for the baby. The future mother is also struggling with back pain. Its cause is the increased weight of the body. Due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower parts of the body, leg cramps may occur. The pain of the cramps increases especially at night. However, magnesium and calcium supplements can help relieve the discomfort, but you should always consult your doctor before taking any medication. In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the belly of the future mother may look like a ball. The reason for this is the large amount of amniotic fluid. During this time it has the most of it. 33. week of pregnancy - birth A newborn born in the middle of the 8th month has still undeveloped lungs, so after birth he is treated like a premature baby who needs an incubator and respiratory support. At 33 weeks gestation, preterm birth is quite common in multiple pregnancies. The newborn then receives special care to ensure the best possible conditions for development. The 33rd week is a good moment to think about cord blood collection. It is worth weighing all the pros and cons to make this decision consciously. The collection is painless and non-invasive - for both mother and child and brings many benefits. The cost of cord blood storage is less than it seems. It is worth checking the bank's current offer and taking advantage of the promotions offered. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood can be used for the treatment of the child from whom they were taken or his siblings. Indications for use are hematological and oncological diseases, but also autism and cerebral palsy.    
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32nd week of pregnancy. Changes in fetal development and the risk of preterm birth

32nd week of pregnancy. Changes in fetal development and the risk of preterm birth

In the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby is constantly gaining weight. It occupies practically the whole uterus, which causes a feeling of discomfort in the future mother. The appearance of new discomfort causes her fatigue and impatience. By the time of delivery, the symptoms may worsen or diminish. The psychological strain on the expectant mother is great. Relaxation and the thought of cuddling with her baby in a few weeks should ease the frustration. The 32nd week of pregnancy - what month is it, what changes then in the mother? The 32nd week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the 8th month. This is also the time when the mother can feel a little heavy - the uterus is now about 500 times larger and presses on internal organs, which is a completely new situation for the pregnant woman. It is worth giving yourself a lot of rest in these moments and talking to the attending doctor, who will advise you on how to deal with the discomfort and prepare for the birth of the baby in peace. If you have discomfort in the 32nd week of pregnancy, you should not worry and you can easily manage it: If you suffer from shortness of breath, get more rest Heartburn can be relieved with pharmaceutical products that are safe for pregnant women and do not require a prescription. Another option is to lie on your left side, which prevents the stomach contents from flowing back into the oesophagus Leg cramps disappear in most women after taking magnesium and calcium supplements Leg swelling, if it occurs, can be eliminated by gentle physical activity in the form of walking, elevating the feet and, for example, taking relaxing baths To avoid renal colic, it is also advisable to drink plenty of fluids. Pregnant women are also recommended to do relaxation and breathing exercises to get through the period of intense changes in the body and fully enjoy the time of waiting for the baby. The appearance of the baby at 32 weeks of pregnancy The baby is already quite big. In the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby's weight should vary between 1.6 kg and even 2 kg. It measures about 40 cm.  It fidgets and struggles, and because it has less space, its movements can be somewhat painful for the mother. Fortunately, this is rare, because in the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are not so frequent. This is not a cause for concern. Your baby's skin will become less clear as he accumulates fatty tissue, which will turn his skin pink shortly after birth. His brain is also developing. Right now, he is still a very small newborn. The baby is preparing for life outside the womb by drinking the amniotic fluid. This activity allows him to take his first breath after birth. Contractions at 32 weeks of pregnancy may be a sign of premature birth. If they are strong and the time between them shortens, you need to go to the hospital urgently. A baby born at 32 weeks of pregnancy is a preterm baby. It must be under specialist care. Premature births at 32 weeks usually occur in twin pregnancies.    
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